Donations Support Shepherd’s Hospice Staff

cho kartha murana
Kartha reviewing a patient  in the palliative care ward who is reporting unrelieved pain.

Clinical Officer, Kartha Murana works in the inpatient palliative care centre thanks to her training. Her salary is paid by donations, like her other two colleagues.

Kartha was working with the hospice back in 2014 as a volunteer when a U.S. couple offered her a scholarship to undertake a training in Clinical  Science at the University of NJala. She graduated in 2018 and now helping her colleagues to train in palliative care at the Shepherd’s Hospice. During her three years of study, Kartha came to the hospice every vacation, which has helped improve her skills in palliative care.

Her training was funded through collaboration and donations, and she now receives salary from those donations to translate her skills into compassion that comforts patients that are struggling with life limiting illnesses. As pictured in the photo, Kartha’s training allows her to help this patient with proper prescription of analgesics, and the patient is started on morphine and other drugs. By the time I was writing this, the patient thankfully was now  reporting relief from pain and able to discuss experience with loved ones.

We are grateful for your financial support to salaries and improvement in our buildings and equipment.

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